It’s arrived!

P1040608I am constantly amazed
at the extraordinary ability of a tiny camera
to capture minuscule details of life around us.
Things that our eyes struggle to see are caught in a wing beat,
This is when I love technology the most.


But I guess we are living in a time of
nano technology, as everything around us
becomes more compact and compressed.
Except spring flowers, they are larger than ever!


I was in my favourite garden (again…!)
And found a multitude of our indigenous fynbos (our very own floral kingdom)
bursting into new life, after a harsh Cape winter.


See if you can spot the beetle pretending to be a stamen on a Silver tree flower.




P1040590The insects know it is spring.

Time to say no more, just attach some of my favourite
spring bursts of energy, plants and animals in unison.
Yay to warmer weather and longer days!





And I think to myself…