Fambulous 2014!

What an extraordinary year of family times
2014 has been!P1020946P1050306

I haven’t managed to complete the 100 target,
work has had to fit in around the happy chaos,
but that can be a task for a new year, this has been
the year of so much connectivity
in such a variety of different environments
and joy filled occasions.P1020599
A year of stories and infusions of love.
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And lots of weddings!

It has been 365 days of where and when we will meet again.

The year of the roller coaster,
with all our nearest and dearest along for the ride.P1050629IMG_1993IMG_2476P1060516
It has been awesome…P1020778P1060422
and it continues!P1060356

Thank you everyone,
for a year of the biggest memories
the happiest of occasions
and the best of friends and family, old and new.P1020830P1060364
Great fortune is found in loved ones.
And ducks and dogs too!