New…or maybe not!

I have always made things, my mind thinks in 3D
and then the fun begins… how to make it?IMG_4752

This is how it has been all my life, I have no numeracy skills
but have always felt the prize for me was in the creating.
I could never be asked to be a book keeper, but would opt to make
the book instead, a 3D brain is so much more fun.
Imagine the distress that modern technology brings with it, when
something you believe is the product of your own
imagination is found to be lurking out there
in the cyber world and variations on my themes
are being made somewhere else in the world.IMG_6995
What is this?
Is it a universal melting pot of ideas that feeds
the creative souls and we all pounce on an idea at the same time?
Is it that creative souls think in such a similar way
that they hover around similar thoughts
on a universal time line?

Whatever this is it will not stop me in my tracks
or prevent me from finding new ideas, it will not instantly
turn me into a book keeper out of sheer need or frustration
but rather I will keep on idea-ing because it is so much
a part of who I am,
even if there is nothing new under the sun!IMG_5443

Bloggers block.

To anyone who might follow my blog from time to time, my apologies,
I am stuck well and truly in my right brain.
The artist in me has rampaged through my thoughts and I am consumed with
creative projects. Like autumn leaves the ideas are whipping and flying around
me and my studio is filling up literally and figuratively with ‘stuff’.IMG_6149

Paper Mache, silver wire, leaves and seedpods, flowers…
it is just overwhelming but lovely, just not conducive to posting coherently!

We have a wonderful woman, Thandi who comes twice a month to help make
order in this crazy home filled with all of the above and more!
Thandi is a Zulu woman and pure magic at creating order. She arrives
wrapped up in boundless energy and leaves (sorry!) reluctantly
having worked her miracles. Last week, with her pure honesty,
she asked me if I was a Sangoma (an African healer/homeopath)
because that is the only way she can make sense of all my nature-given ‘clutter’.

Today, whilst walking in contemplative mode I realized again
how small we all are in this big universe,
(if you have flown in an airplane on a clear day
and looked down at the earth, nothing is really detectable, least of all people)gearth
I also thought about how little impact we really make as one person
but how big the impact becomes when we become a care less group.
And so I try, through the mediums I know best, to make some coherent sense
using my creative energy, which at the moment is like a dandelion in the wind.IMG_0532
So back to hands on right brain… and quiet contemplation, which goes with the territory.