Rocking with Daisies and Rosé…

P1090820 Fortune smiled on me this week
and like the luckiest fish,
I was swooped up by some friends
on a surprise mini-break in celebration of 6 decades.

As we packed ourselves into one vehicle,
all of life’s issues slipped away from view
and we quietly retreated out of the shadow of Table Mountain
headed for Rawsonville, a little known
well hidden gem of a town Nestling in the Breedekloof.


The trip was as quick as the wit that filled the car,
with laughter and wickedness as only a group of free range
women can bring to an occasion.

We started our adventure with a visit to the
Karroo Desert NBG in Worcester, a secret treasure
of land and a must do for all heading out that way,
especially in the spring.


First priority was Tea and then, like the Paparazzi,
the secret cache of cameras were whipped out of hiding.
Heavenly times, beautiful indigenous spring flowers,
giant insects sculpted for the environment,
rocks, trees, succulents and Aloes
and when the sun broke through the clouds… daisies
as only that region can magical produce.P1100052
But enough writing.
Here are some photographs
to entice you into this lesser-known region.P1090818 P1090831 P1090833P1090841P1090838

From the gardens we ventured forth to the farm where we were staying,

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P1090936Abundant with vines and beautiful fynbos, birdsong and peace,
this is a gem of a completely different kind.
The homestead is run by owners Doug and Sally
who have together provided a little bit of heaven on earth.

What a wonderful break away, time out with tranquility as a constant,
a birthday cake with a difference,

wine testing to remember…P1090952

Friendships that are enduring and ever unfolding,
and time to breathe deeply
as I forge my way into the new era of who knows what
other than solid friendships with
daisies and Rosé.


Sunday Cape.

This is my Sunday Best revisited.
Only this time, with pictures of Jonkershoek Reserve
on a perfectly beautiful day,
walking for loved ones.

With gratitude and love for a life well lived.

P1040462A Yellowwood tree old and knotted but still with green shoots in parts.


P1040385The valley and well worn pathway.


P1040451A Sugarbush passed it’s prime but magnificent in Sunday wear.



A Featherhead bush.


(Unidentified but magical plant growing on a sheer rock face. Will get back to you on that name!)


A Gecko, sunning itself on the rock.



A Blue Sugarbush.


P1040486 The most regal Arum lily.


Why we need funny.

Unknown He made us cry.
He made us laugh.
And he made us cry with laughter.
He was Robin Williams.
I am sad that he has gone.zzzzzzzzzz

This morning got me onto thinking about why we need funny in our lives…
Why I have a sense of huge gratitude, but see the bitter irony
of a profoundly funny person who suffers the deepest darkness of all.
Depression and sadness, humour and mirth,
“Dead Poet’s Society” and “Mrs. Doubtfire”.images
Polar opposites.

Why do we need funny?
I think it’s the extra oxygen that brings a spark of life to
every living cell in our bodies.
Hackneyed as it is, Laughter is ‘the best medicine’Robin_Williams_Wallpaper-

Even the word ‘laughter’ shimmers when I read it, it promises respite
from all that is ‘regular’ and all that is sad in this time on earth.

Thank goodness for funny,
Thank goodness for the sharp intellects but often profound depressions
that seem to go hand in glove with the people who sparkle up our lives,
make our sides ache with such over-filled lungs as to burst,
leave us crying with laughter
and then leave us.P1040326

Rest in peace Robin Williams,
I suspect St.Peter might request a ‘selfie’ with you.

With love.

Today is Sunday, but it is forever Mumday.
Two years ago on this day, our Mother and Grandmother passed away.90

A strong, devoted, loving, selfless woman with the biggest twinkle
in her cornflower blue eyes.

Judy led by example and taught so much to so many people,
giving of her time, skills and love throughout her full life.P1030879

Mum was a master weaver, spinner, knitter and creator of marvels,
masterpieces in cotton, linen, wool, wood and many other tactile mediums.
A colourist and dye magician of extraordinary proportions.

Such a big life, that of mother to many,
confidant and friend, teacher, grandmother
so very many lives have been affected by her skills,
love, energy and compassion.

Mum was always humble, always generous, always self-effacing.
Always thinking of ‘other’, she never wanted to disturb.

What large shoes to fill, is it possible
to travel through this life half as graciously as she did?

I’m not sure.
But she has left a vast tapestry of life skills for certain,
and a worksheet to follow.IMG_1769

Into the wilds…

What better way to kick off the new year
than in the African bush?IMG_4959IMG_0196_1
iMfolozi Game reserve, paradise on earth,
This is our amazing good fortune and a wonderful way
to show in the new year,
amongst our animal friends and family.IMG_3359

I wish for all a peace-filled, family orientated and
fulfilling new year.
May your 2014 be overflowing with all that is wonderful,
May your health happiness and well-being
come out of the top drawerIMG_3501
and may you find the strength to deal with all
that comes out of the drawers below.natal 10 049

Roll on 2014, I think it is going to be a memorable one!

I’ve hung up my broomstick!


How to celebrate?
In the space of one year I have made it to 50…
50 posts, and I admit I am so chuffed!

I had to put my broomstick and ‘wooden’ (my broomstick companion for years) into temporary retirement, give up coffee dates in the sky…IMG_5840 and learn to use a sophisticated computer and WordPress.
What a fun journey it has been so far, I love thinking about the next post,
taking my new traveling partner(canon) with me on my sojourns (apologies to ‘wooden’)
and walking shoes have replaced my broomstick for now.

With eyes wide open I will undertake another year and hopefully
50 more posts, because what would life be like without a little fantasy
and a bit of fun?
Let’s share some happiness and positive stories!

(Wooden was named years ago by my friend Bo,
who commented on him when she spotted him for the first time.
My son told her my cat was wooden to which she responded
“Hello Wooden!” and so it remained.)

So many thanks.

IMG_5702This time of the year historically (though often hysterically!)
brings families together, reunites friends and often introduces new loved ones into the family/friendship circle.IMG_5677

Add to the mix full on summer in the Southern hemisphere, long lazy days, the sun rising at 5 a.m. and setting at 8.30p.m.IMG_5703
Walks on beaches, leisurely meals lasting for hours around a table groaning with good cheer, great food and wonderful Cape wines.

And offspring!


Like so many families today, most of my children live and work abroad part-time or full-time, this seems the norm with the majority of our contemporaries but it still doesn’t make it any easier, it just makes for frequent happy/sad moments at Cape Town International airport, though the happy always outshines the sad.

I love living in a city that everyone wants to visit,
to have a home that can expand and shrink, a table that can do the same,
but most of all I perpetually say a little prayer of thanks for all family connections,
for surrogate children, ‘borrowed’ sisters and ‘on loan’ grandchildren…
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But most of all, my children.IMG_4737

So many, many thanks for them.
They are the wealth that keeps my heart full.

Old and new, let’s celebrate…

My deep freeze is filled with Pesto, 3 different varieties…Yay!

Another day, another year and the path of life continues…

As one year rolls into another I hope for everyone
that 2013 is a year filled with abundant joy, as joyous as a happy hound found
cooling off in the stream on the green belt this morning.IMG_5716
May your 2013 be blessed with good health,
happiness and loads of opportunities to engage with all the magnificent flora and fauna that our world showers on us and feeds our souls with.IMG_5668
But, whilst on the subject of feeding, I feel so prosperous when the top shelf of the deepfreeze is packed to capacity with Macadamia nut pesto, Cashew nut pesto and Pine nut pesto.IMG_5740
Small things make me so happy!
Wishing everyone abundant prosperity and happiness for the new year.